Extend the life of your furnace…

It’s cold outside! Which means we’ll do anything to keep the indoors warm and cozy. That’s when the furnace comes to play. But, like any piece of equipment, your furnace needs regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently and have a longer life.

One of the simplest and most effective things home and business owners can do is to schedule regular filter changes. It is technically inexpensive and a new filter can have an enormous impact on many aspects.

  • Energy Bill: the dirtier the filter the more your system will work, causing it to consume 10% or more in energy
  • Shorten the Life of Your Equipment: a dirty filter restricts the air flow and causes the unit to work that much harder, making breakages more frequent
  • Health Issues: when the filter is clogged, the presence of pollen, mold, pet dander and allergens will increase, reducing the quality of indoor air and may cause health problems like asthma and allergies
  • Maintenance Costs: when the system works with a dirty filter dust accumulates in your air ducts and increase the need to get them cleaned

Furnace filters need to be changed every 1 to 3 months depending on the season, the quality of filter purchased, the amount of use and other factors like having pets, allergies or respiratory problems. Also, you should buy the MERV rating that better fits your needs. An annual tune-up also helps in preventing all sorts of small problems from popping up at inopportune times.

Making this a priority for your home or business will improve air quality and save you money!

Need high quality filters at a great price? Visit Factory Direct Filters today!


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